How Long Does Car Detailing Take?

Car Detailing

It’s a beautiful machine that makes you feel free. There’s no doubt that your car is one thing that you love the most.

You may wash your car enough to keep your paint job sparkling. But, did you know that you should also wax and detail your car about every 6 months?

Unless you have a special detailing kit laying around, you’ll have a hard time doing a thorough job. You’ll want to bring your car in for a professional to clean.

How long does car detailing take? Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about the levels of auto detailing and how long they take to complete.

How to Pick a Car Detailing Company

Who you choose to detail your car can affect the amount of time they take to finish the job. An experienced company will always do a better job, but they may take longer for the thorough detailing.

Here are some factors to consider when deciding which professional car detailer to choose.

  • Cost
  • Product/ equipment quality
  • Reviews/ recommendations
  • Licenses/ liability insurance

The cheapest company may not always give you the best bang for your buck. Make sure to weigh the cost with other factors to choose the best detailer for your car.

How Long Does Car Detailing Take

Several things can affect the amount of time it takes to clean your car. The biggest factor is how clean you want your car!

Auto detailing companies offer several levels of services with different price points and time estimates. Here are some of the most common levels of service you may see on the menu.

Quick Detail

A quick detail is good for between washes and uses no water. Often an air blower or microfiber towel will buff out any dust or dirt from your exterior in less than 30 minutes.

External Detail

The external detail job makes the outside of your car sparkle. The body gets washed, the tires scrubbed, and your windows cleaned, taking about 45-90 minutes.

External Wash and Interior Detail

If you need to detail the interior of your car as well as the exterior, the time the service takes increases to around 1-2 hours. But then, the inside and outside of your car will look and feel clean.


Money Can’t Buy You Happiness… but It Can Buy You a Sweet Car!

If you put the time and love into your car to keep it maintained and clean, it will love you back with years of exhilarating drive time! Make sure you keep up with the mechanical maintenance as well so you don’t end up with a sparkling clean car that won’t drive.

Everyone has hectic schedules these days. You may only have enough time for a quick detail right now. But, then you can go for a deeper clean the next time when you can leave your car with the pros longer.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article and that you no longer need to ask “how long does car detailing take?”. For more great articles about maintaining cars and motorcycles, check out the rest of our blog today!