5 Signs It’s Time to Hire a Car Accident Injury Lawyer

There are fender benders without injury. And there are times when you’re fine, but your car needs a tune-up.

Then there are times when you’ve been in an accident, and both you and your car suffer serious injury.

Car repair can be expensive. If you also have an injury, that car accident is even more expensive.

How do you know when you can take action to recover some costs? Here are five signs it’s time to hire a car accident injury lawyer.

1. When the Liability Isn’t Clear

If you’re in an accident that is clearly the fault of the other driver, you shouldn’t need an accident injury lawyer.

When it’s unclear who is at fault, a car accident lawyer can help. They know the law and will review your case. They’ll also work with the insurance company to help you get the most money you can from the situation.

Use a Toronto car accident injury lawyer to make sure you aren’t held liable when someone else is responsible.

2. When They Deny Your Claim

Filing an insurance claim after an accident can be tricky. We don’t always understand why the insurance company denies or accepts a claim.

If the insurance company denies your claim, call an accident injury lawyer to review the case. They’ll fight for your cause to help your case result in a better outcome.

3. When You Suffer Long-term Injury

If your accident is so serious that you suffer long-term or permanent disability, you need an accident injury lawyer on your side.

Don’t settle for what the insurance company offers if you’re left with an injury that affects your quality of life. If you aren’t able to work or live without pain, there are things your lawyer can do to help you afford the doctors and services you need.

4. When it’s Been Too Long

An injury claim shouldn’t go on forever. If it’s getting close to a year since the accident with no resolution, that’s too long.

The claim adjuster might need some help understanding the urgency of your injury situation. Let an accident attorney contact your insurance company to help get a settlement for you–sooner rather than later.

5. When You Get Sued

In an accident situation, no one wants to lose the claim in favor of the other driver.

If the other driver tries to sue you for damages or expenses, it’s time for a lawyer.

Don’t handle a lawsuit on your own. Trust a car accident personal injury lawyer to handle the lawsuit.

A Car Accident Injury Lawyer Can Help You Get Paid

Your physical and emotional well-being is important after a serious injury. Let a car accident injury lawyer help you recover costs to get you on the road to recovery.

When you get your settlement, be sure you get your car repaired at a reputable garage. Don’t overpay, and make sure the work is good.

Click here to read about four shady mechanic tricks to avoid when looking for the best repair shop for your car.