5 Small Engine Repairs You Can Do on Your Own

engine repairs

Hear that weird noise coming from your engine? If you ignore it, the engine repair cost can total up to $10,000. Small and easily fixable problems with your car’s engine can turn into major issues if ignored.

You can perform some basic and easy engine repairs such as changing an air filter or replacing spark plugs. We are going to give you five repairs you can do at home.

1. Oil Change

Wait a few hours after you have driven your car as the oil will be hot if you don’t. Have your pan to catch the oil ready and release the nut on the oil pan underneath your car. Once the oil is done draining, replace the nut, this is vital.

Under your hood locate your oil filter and remove it being careful to not spill oil everywhere. Replace the filter with a manufacturer recommended filter type.

Then pour the required amount and type of oil into your engine. Use a funnel to ensure you do not get oil everywhere.

2. Air Filter Replacement

A clogged air filter will block the air going into your engine, which means your engine is literally choking. Open the hood of your car and look for the air filter, a rectangular shape located near the front of the engine.

There are two types of air filters, a paper one that you need to buy a replacement for. The other is a cleanable filter that you can simply wash, dry, and reinstall.

3. Dangling Exhaust Pipes

That strange noise you may be hearing could be coming from the exhaust and not the actual engine. Check under your car to see if the pipe holders or the structure of the pipes is compromised.

Most cars use rubber loops to hold your exhaust pipes, you can buy new loops and replace. By changing out the pipe holders you keep your exhaust up off the road which reduces the chance of them getting damaged.

4. Spark Plugs

Spark plugs eventually burn up because with each spark they burn a minute amount of metal. Over time the metal burning up makes the gap between the two electrodes grow. Spark plugs stop working when the spark can’t make the jump.

Look at your engine and find the bundle of four to eight wires going into your engine. Your spark plugs are at the end of these wires. Follow your manufacturer’s repair manual, but the general procedure is to remove the wires, remove the old spark plugs, and replace the wires.

5. Radiator Flush

The radiator is your car’s cooling system that becomes less effective as deposits build and clog the system. Locate your radiator at the front of your engine bay and start by cleaning it with soapy water and a brush.

Drain the radiator by releasing the valve on the bottom. Replace the valve and pour in the new fluid. Make sure that there is no air in the system before you drive your car.

Do Your Own Engine Repairs

When your engine starts running funny or making strange noises these five basic small engine repairs will save you from spending thousands later on.

Replacing the spark plugs will help your engine use fuel more efficiently. The air and oil filters will clean the particulates from going into your engine.

Look for these 7 telltale signs that your car needs a tune-up.